Cumberland Pediatric Foundation in conjunction with the Department of Pediatrics at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital partner together to host the annual Open House to promote communication and camaraderie between the community pediatricians, current pediatric residents and the pediatric specialists at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.
This is a great networking opportunity in a fun environment to mingle with your peers. The community practices and specialists will have a table to showcase information about their practice which may include anything from brochures to a fun activity displaying information about your partners in your clinic. Everyone in attendance will have the opportunity to visit the other practice and specialist tables in order to be able to mingle with one another. This event provides an opportunity for collaboration in clinical care and also in building your network with other physicians.
In 2016, CPF introduced the “Pediatric Showcase” at the Open House. The Showcase honors CPF members and partners who have achieved noteworthy accomplishment through out the year. Awards include participation in research, educational events, best table, medical student hosts, pediatric pioneers, and good citizenship.